Postdoctoral fellow in Computational Genomics


Position Summary

We are involved in the Human Pangenome Reference Consortium and have an interest in using pangenome graphs to analyze epigenomic datasets and transposable elements. Combined with the fact that third generation sequencing technologies (PacBio, Nanopore, 10X linked-reads, etc.) are more mainstream, there is a need to analyze and integrate vast amounts of data but also develop new analytical methods to exploit these datasets to their full potential.

The Bourque lab is seeking a postdoctoral fellow interested in computational genomics and pangenome graphs. A component of the project will be to develop new analytical methods as needed. PhD training should be in bioinformatics, computational genomics or equivalent and required skills include programming (Python or equivalent), statistics and R. Prior experience in genomics and/or epigenomics data analysis is highly desirable. Position will be funded for 2-years with possible extensions.

You would join a team of more than 30 students, postdocs, bioinformaticians and software developers working at the Canadian Center for Computational Genomics, which is part of the McGill University and Genome Québec Innovation Center. You would have access to many projects that rely on state-of-art genomic technologies and computational platforms.

How to apply

If you are interested, please send a cover letter and CV to Dr. Bourque or until position is filled. Start date is flexible.