We’re hiring for the following positions


Scientific Data Architect

The Canadian Centre for Computational Genomics (c3g.ca) at McGill University develops open-source solutions to organize, store, retrieve, analyze and share genomics and clinical data for large-scale initiatives, including data access and analysis portals.  Initiatives we are involved with often focus on human health research, such as the International Human Epigenome Consortium (IHEC), the Quebec COVID-19 Biobank (BQC19), and the Terry Fox Marathon of Hope Cancer Centre Network (MoHCCN). We also deliver bioinformatics analysis software and high-performance computing services for the life science research community, including analysis pipelines used by multiple academic institutions. We are seeking a Scientific Data Architect to engage in the development of public and internal databases and APIs for projects in the fields of genomics, epigenomics, and other life science-related fields.

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Scientific Data Curator

The Canadian Center for Computational Genomics (C3G) at McGill University provides bioinformatics analysis and high performance computing services for the life science research community. C3G develops customized and case-by-case bioinformatics solutions as well as an extensive suite of open-source software, including bioinformatics analysis pipelines used by multiple academic institutions, and data sharing and analysis portals with the Bento and CanDIG projects. Under the supervision of a Bioinformatics Manager, the Database Analyst will plan, implement and maintain local and public web-based databases, to solve challenges arising from the management and analysis of scientific data, fulfilling C3G’s engagements towards Open Science.

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