ForCasT: a fully integrated and open source pipeline to design CRISPR mutagenesis experiments
ForCas Tool (ForCasT) is a comprehensive tool for the design, evaluation and collection of CRISPR/Cas9 guide RNAs and primers. Using robust parameters, it generates guide RNAs for target loci, assesses their quality for any potential off-target effects and designs associated primers. The results are then stored in a local database that serves as a shared resource for users within a research team, and is constantly being updated to reflect the quality of guides and primers based on additional computational and wet-lab results. ForCasT is a single tool that research teams from various fields of biology can use to build and maintain a collection guide RNAs and primers for Cas-mediated genome editing that are suited to their specific needs. It is currently available as a web-app and as a Dockerized version, and can be found at [ ccmbioinfo/CasCADe]