STOP-CoV: Examining COVID-19 vaccination responses across age groups
As the rollout for COVID-19 vaccinations continues across Ontario the C3G Toronto Node has helped establishSTOP-CoV (SafeTy and Efficacy of Preventative COVID Vaccines), a province-wide study to examine the differences in COVID-19 vaccine responses between younger and older individuals. Participants contribute to the study by completing a series of online questionnaires over the course of one year following their vaccinations to identify and track any self-reported adverse effects, and by providing small blood samples via a mail-in kit to observe changes in their antibody levels over time. This study will examine the immune responses and the safety of COVID-19 vaccinations as well as the impacts that various characteristics, such as sex, race, pre-existing conditions and so on, have on vaccine efficacy. C3G members spearheaded the digitization of STOP-CoV such that recruitment, consent and participation in the study are all done electronically, making this the first of its kind at UHN.
Published: February 23, 2021